It's been ages boys and girls..... Sorry to have not been in touch, but I've been sooo busy having a totally fabulous summer, whoop.
I must apologise to those of you who were worried about me after my last blog post (including my mother in law). When I started writing it, I was in a bad place, but by the time I published it, I was feeling much better. Yep, this shit situation goes up and down, up and down, but I'm pleased to say that Summer 2017 has been up, up, up.
Lots to fill you in on....
First up, my 'special day' arranged by the amazing
Willow Foundation.
Willow are an awesome charity which arrange special days for seriously-ill young people/adults between 16 and 40 with life threatening condition
s. 'Founded by former Arsenal goalkeeper and TV presenter, Bob Wilson and his wife Megs, Willow is a lasting memorial to their daughter, Anna, who died of cancer aged 31'.
I wrote to them and filled in the application form and asked one of the breast care team to fill in the medical info for me and sent it off. On the off chance (never thinking I'd get it) I asked if my special day could involve meeting Lisa Eldridge.
Now, for people who know me well, know that I LOVE make up - I might not wear it all the time and I might not wear it correctly all the time(!! #amateur), but I really love it (hooded eye anyone?? 😂😂). For years, I have loved watching make up tutorials on YouTube. I don't know why, I just find it really relaxing. It's my total guilty pleasure. It's a bit of a running joke in our house when we load YouTube on the TV that Lisa Eldridge keeps coming up as a recommended video.
So, Lisa is a world famous make up artist and the current Creative Director at Lancome. I admire her work and know that she has the same type of skin as me (combination) so I know the products she uses will be good for me. Hoorah.
Anyway, lo and behold, but I get a call from the Willow team telling me that Lisa has agreed to meet me in London!!!! WHAT??!!! NO WAY??!!! I suppose it's a bit like a football fan meeting their footie hero (or me, as a teenager, meeting Bros...I didn't by the way, but I would have loved that as a 13 year old!!!! hahahaha). I was really hoping that I could feature in one Lisa's YouTube tutorials and have my make up done, but unfortunately, due to her crazy schedule there wouldn't be time for that so we were going to meet for drinks at a swanky hotel in Mayfair.
Eek, how exciting....So the time came, and Willow took care of everything. Tim and I got the train down to London and they had put on a taxi when we go there to take us to our hotel the night before meeting Lisa. We went for a night out in Soho and visited some of our old London haunts for dinner and drinks.
The next morning we had breakfast and got ready. I was meeting Lisa in the early afternoon so as our hotel was in Holborn, we decided to go to the British Museum in the morning. Now, having lived in London for many years, we've both been there several times before, but being so big there is always something new to see there, we had a great morning. We then headed back to the hotel where our taxi was due to take us to see Lisa.
Now, what make up do you wear to meet a world famous make up artist? Well, the answer is 'not much'. The reason? Well, I wanted some advice from her, so I wore no base at all, but did have some minimal eye make up on so I didn't look totes horrendous.
ARGGHHH, the taxi due to pick us up from the hotel was LATE, I couldn't' believe it as I knew I only had an hour with Lisa (because of her schedule)...then when he arrived (10 mins late) we then got stuck in the most horrendous traffic. It was only just under two miles to the hotel but we were just sat there - at one point I was saying to Tim that we may have to just get out and walk. but we decided not too and sadly were ten mins late getting there...grrrr. This meant Lisa and her assistant, Jessie, were already there!! ARGH.
Anyway, we get to the bar where we're meeting and I turn the corner and there she is. I was so excited and they both got up to give us a hug. I had been so you never know how it's going to be when you meet someone you admire and so famous in the fashion and make up world - what if we didn't get on? what if we didn't have anything to say to each other and it was all a bit awkward? what if I was disappointed? Well, there was absolutely no issue with any of that because both Lisa and Jessie were just so nice to both Tim and I and the conversation flowed so easily between the four of us (well, when Tim could get a word in edge ways!!!).
We actually moved from the bar (as it was dark in there) to the hotel's tea room where there was lots of natural light. I was asking her about my skin and recommendations for its colouring (she said I had amazing skin, bless her) and she was asking about me and how I was. Tim and I had a G&T, and Lisa and Jessie were on the water as they had meetings to go to for the rest of the afternoon. Willow paid for that too. Lisa and Jessie presented me with a huge bag of make up goodies ...I was literally in my own make up heaven and Lisa recommended MACs Lady Danger lipstick to me (which I ended up buying in the airport before flying out to Ibiza, thanks for the tip Lisa).
It was just absolutely brilliant - I was totally on cloud nine. She also told me about a secret project that she's working on, but my lips are sealed on that one - can't wait to see it though!! Tim said how lovely they both were as he thought he might feel a bit like a spare part, but totally didn't. And when the time came for them to go, Lisa gave me her personal details and said to stay in touch, which was really nice and we've had some email correspondence since. Jessie took some photos of the two of us too which I asked if she was happy for me to share on social media and Lisa agreed. Yay. In fact, I joined Instagram later that afternoon for that very reason.
Tim and I left the hotel not long after Lisa and Jessie had gone as our taxi arrived to take us back to the station. I've got to say a huge thank you to Willow - they were amazing, and managed to arrange something that would not have been possible otherwise.. Such a brilliant charity, and I have a memory to treasure forever. Wahoo.
When Tim and I got back to Worcester, we got changed and went out in town for dinner and drinks again as it felt like the perfect way to round off a fantastic couple of days.
Lisa, you're ace. xx
Timmy and his mate |
Old shizzle at the Brit Museum |
??? |
Rocco? |
Soft shell crab - yum |
Out in London |
My hero, the beautiful Lisa |
Gorgeous lady |
Back in Worcester with a beer |
Whoop, whoop....Suze and I had booked to go to Ibiza for a few days. It was all a bit spur of the moment and last minute. We had been looking at the possibility of staying at a friend's place in Marbs but the timings just weren't working out so I saw this trip to Ibiza and we booked it when Suze was driving home from work on the hands free and I was talking her through the deal!!
As you know Suze and I have made it our mission with #makingmemories and spending some time away together was part of this. Also, it was the first time that Susie had flown in over six years. Having always been a totally confident flyer in the past, one terrible flight over Italy with horrendous turbulence had left her scared. So I was the lucky person to take her on that first flight and we all know how much I love flying (NOT!!!). We were both excited and nervous as Chris drove us to the airport with Lukey in the car too. We were away for four nights in Santa Eulalia (not larging it in San Anotonio #old), so quite why Susie packed nearly 20 kgs and I had 17kgs is beyond me!! hahahaha. To be fair, mine was mainly full of cosmetics and make up.
We had a couple of wines at the airport and some lunch and Suze presented me with a little bag - it was so sweet - it had a throwaway camera in it (like you used to have back in the day), some sweets and an emergency hangover kit. I was loving it. Oh, and I bought the MAC lipstick Lisa had told me about, and a new foundation too.
We got on the plane and it was totally rammed, thankfully we were sitting together.
Suze wanted to hold my hand as we took off, but she was really good during the flight. We sat having another couple of wines on the plane and she wanted to read to take her mind off things so I sat and listened to my music. We also ended up chatting to the girls in the hen party next to us - they were lovely, and, as it turned out, Susie knew one of their friends back home - a girl also currently going through breast cancer treatment. Small world.
Anyway, the flight was fine and we land in glorious sunshine (it was 33+ the whole time we were there). We were dropped off at our hotel which had a glorious view of the marina and got showered and changed and went down for some dinner (about 9.30pm). We then decided to go for a walk around the area to get our bearings as it was still in the 20s at this point. Nice. We were out for an hour or so when Suze asked if we could go back to the hotel as wasn't feeling tip top, so we did. She ended up getting into bed at about 10.30pm. I was chatting to Tim from the balcony and then I went to bed too. The next thing, disaster struck. Suze rushed to the bathroom and was projectile vomiting - bless her - she was so poorly. This set me off as I have a phobia of sickness bugs (she'd had a bug the week before we went but thought she was over it). What a mare. She lay in the bathroon until at 2.30am (I was still awake and shaking with anxiety) I needed the loo and she said she was going to get into bed. She told me the next day she was glad that happened otherwise she would have been lying on the floor all night.
Anyway, it meant that we didn't exactly 'have it large' on hols, but Suze got better after a couple of days and we managed a couple of nights out. And, to be honest, it was just really, really nice to chill out, lie by the pool (what is it with people putting their towels out at 8.30am...FFS), go to the beach, have a few cocktails and not have raging hangovers and just relax. In fact, it was the first time in ages that my back didn't hurt, which deffo meant something. We went to some really nice bars, especially one at a fancy five star hotel down the road with a very trendy rooftop bar (thanks to my friend Rachy for the tip on that one).
Also, I had been a bit concerned about sunbathing as my radiotherapy was only a few months ago, but I used some Malibu 'once a day' factor 50, and it was AMAZING - I didn't burn at all and manged to get a tan for the first time in years.
We were so glad of the pool as it meant we could just jump in and cool off when the sweat beads starting forming cos it was so, so hot.
Hot to trot (eventually!!!) |
Lady Danger |
Room with a view |
The rooftop bar |
And relax |
Cheers |
Besties on tour |
Chin chin |
Scorchio |
My gorgeous friend |
It was great to spend some time away with Suze and we chatted about all sorts - we're so lucky that we can be so honest with each other and talk about anything. The last day Suze was feeling much more normal again and we were both sad we didn't have longer there. The flight home was ok but Suze did get a bit upset as we were descending and again wanted to hold my hand. However, I'm pleased that she'd finally done another flight and we're looking forward to planning another trip hopefully next year. Whoop.
Also, the week after we went on a big night out in Worcester to have it large and ended up singing with Come Together in Drummonds...we had such a laugh.
Alright now? |
Girls back in Worcester |
Escalator selfie |
Er? |
Sarf London
So I was based down in London for ten years (from the age of 22) and for six of those I lived with my amazing friend from University, Janneke. In fact, we bought a house together in Tooting Broadway (the first for both of us) and within a month I met Tim and within three months she met her now husband, Nick! Typical when you've been single for ages and then meet your future husband a month after you've bought a house with your mate.
Anyway....Janneke now lives in Herts but still commutes into the City to work and we both fancied a reminisce around south London as we haven't been back there since we left Tooting in 2006. So one sunny Tuesday, we took ourselves down on the Northern line from Euston and went back to Tooting.
In fact, our first stop was Balham as we used to go out there a lot. Crikey - that's changed - all trendy cafes etc (the pavements are still dirty and swilling with litter, but that's Zone 2/3 for you!!). We stopped for a coffee and danish and then walked down to Tooting Bec, where we rented our first property very near to the Common (also the housing estate where I was mugged!!!). It was so strange being back. We had such a good time there - we used to host legendary parties where all my PwC start group would come along as well as our Uni/home friends and have BBQs and get trolleyed.
We then walked down Franciscan Road, which we used to do with our rucksacks to do our weekly shop (a mile there and a mile back!! no delivery service in those days), and headed towards Tooting Broadway - many of the shops and some restaurants were the same and we headed to our house. I had a real sense of pride (and regret) when we got there - I mean, it's virtually impossible to buy a house in London these days, and we had a two bed link detached house with a garden and parking!! My regret is that we didn't keep it as it would be worth a fortune now!!! We had three amazing years there too. It was such a brilliant day (although crikey it was hot on the tube!!!) We're so glad we did it though, one last time.
The Bec |
Our first bought house |
Our first London rental |
Janneke |
At the Bec |
Many trips off the night bus to this classy joint back in the day... |
The Broadway |
Our house |
As usual, Scarlett came to visit in the school holidays, but this year, instead of lots of day trips out, she seemed very content walking Rocco any chance she could get. He was so good with her and we had a lovely few days visiting different places. She is really growing up now....she'll be doing her SATS this year. Crikey.
Scarlett selfie |
LOVE this |
Walkies |
A spot of lunch |
Worcester show
Oh 'jam gate'!! So for the Worcester Show this year I entered some raspberry jam and a pizza in two different categories. My dad also entered his jam.
It was with great anticipation when I went back into the tent to see how had beaten who. Dad, although he didn't win a medal, did get 17/20, which was awesome. I, on the other hand, was not even marked as they said there was a 'foreign body' in my jam (I blame Brexit!!) and wouldn't taste it!!!
Turns out, when I got it home, it was air bubbles under the greaseproof paper that I'd put on the jam when I'd ladled it into the jars. Pah. It was totally fine and also yummy so the Worcester Show judges missed out as far as I'm concerned!! hahahahaha. My pizza did win a silver medal however (although there were only three entries to be fair!). It was a great day as usual and I was singing with Got2Sing which is always lots of fun.
Silver medal |
Mould?? |
I went for a day trip to Oxford with my lovely friend Anne who I've known since 2000 when we both worked for a media analysis company in London. Our friend Louise was hoping to join us but is in the process of selling her house and couldn't come so Anne and I had a good old wander around some of the colleges and a liquid lunch. Some of the students were graduating - Anne and I both said how 'made' you are if you get a degree from Oxford or Cambridge. Good on 'em.
At Magdalene college |
Stunning |
Anne |
Us |
Just arrived |
Liquid lunch |
The Rotunda |
Graduation day |
Beer Fest
The annual pilgrimage to the Worcester Beer Fest took place as my company sponsor the opening night. We had beer and fun. Tim went again on Friday night...I couldn't as I had an all day singing rehearsal on the Saturday, but much beer was consumed. Fun times.
I think you probably all know that Susie and I were chosen to be models for
Breast Cancer Care's flagship event,
The Show (which is NEXT WEEK!!!) Eek. Anyway, the press team called and asked if I would be happy to speak to Woman magazine about my relationship with Susie as they were doing a feature on friendship. I jumped at the chance.
I had a long conversation with Woman and then had to send some photos off. We were so chuffed to be featured, although they always put a journalistic spin on what you say, and to lead with 'She helped me beat cancer' is not a headline I would have gone with beings that I haven't 'beaten cancer'!! Hey ho.
Oh, and if you'd like to sponsor Susie and I for the Breast Cancer Care show, you can do so
here. BCC are such an amazing charity and have been so helpful to me since my secondary diagnosis. Thanks so much. Mwah. xxx
Back when we were 39, my Uni girls and I agreed to go to Italy together for our 40th's. Our friend Nicola lives there and we all went there for our 30th birthdays. Then our 40th year came around, and 1. I was going through IVF treatment when we were originally thinking about going, and 2. we saw each other a lot as there were many 40th parties to go to that year, so we decided we'd go in our 41st year.
And so we did. August bank holiday saw the Uni girls trip to the shores of Lake Garda (30 mins from where Nic lives). What a totally brilliant time - the sun was shining, the wine was flowing and the lake was gorgeous. It was so nice to be together, to make time for each other, and make memories. Girls - it was awesome, thank you.
In Nic's back garden |
Mirror selfie |
Dinner by the lake |
The lake - hot, hot, hot |
Don't think much of yours Nic!! |
#knob |
Evening by the lake |
In Nic's pool with the kids |
My fab ladies |
Fun times |
Cheers |
Symphony Hall
This year saw my second opportunity to sing at the Symphony Hall with 500 other members of my choir,
Got2Sing. This one was always going to be an emotional one. I learnt about 15 months ago, that they had chosen the Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven charity to be the beneficiary from the evening so there was a lot riding on it. Then to get my secondary diagnosis halfway through learning the songs for the show made it all even more poignant. But, that sound..... it was absolutely magical and a night I will never forget.
I was by two of my favourite people in this world, Sue and Sarah, and it was pleasure to sing and dance next to them.
Our final rehearsal in Worcester before the big show totally got to me. We were singing Shania Twain's 'From This Moment', which, agreed, is a totally soppy song, but all of a sudden I really connected with the words, thought about Tim and totally broke down. I was balling. Sarah thankfully had some tissues on hand. It was so hard. It had also previously happened during a couple of others songs as well including You'll Never Walk Alone. On the big day, I got chocked during our dress rehearsal (and was ready with waterproof mascara), but on the night itself I managed the whole show without balling (thank goodness).
I was so thrilled to have Timmy, Susie and mum in the audience AND my breast consultant too. I felt really proud. I was on the front row, but on the side, so unfortunately they couldn't really see me, and dad was stuck up in the gods, so they couldn't see him, but they really enjoyed the show. Helen and Jenn were helping, with some of the other volunteers and some other Got2Sing members who weren't singing in the show, selling programmes and flags and raising money for the charity. They were awesome and raised over £8k. Wahoo. My breast consultant gave an amazing speech and it was just a really special evening. Thank you to everyone that bought prize draw tickets too.
Video here.
Sue, me and Sarah after we'd finished |
So, there have been a number of other things I've been doing too, so you can see it's been totally crazy - in a brilliant way, and I haven't had time to write the blog (these things take soooo long), but here I am now.
From a medical perspective, my monthly jabs have been continuing and, in fact, September's were the first where I've had no hassle, no waiting for injections or being missed off the appointment list, I was in, jabbed and out in 20 mins. Boom.
Another totally fabulous thing is that Tim is now only working four days a week. His new employer have been totally ace and very accommodating of our situation. This meant that Timmy was with me for my most recent jabs as they were on a Friday - what a lovely first Friday off for Tim!! hehehe.
I have had my appointment through for the back cement. Well, in fact, I was sent a leaflet about the procedure with a comps slip basically saying 'let me know if you're happy just to be booked in for the procedure because if you want to be seen in clinic beforehand there is a wait'. Er, let's think about this...You're gonna cut a hole in my back, and get near my spinal cord and fill in between my vertebrae with cement??! Yes, I'd like to speak to someone about that please. Jeez. So I called them and they said they would send an appointment through and it's for 25 September in Coventry. Joy. I'll keep you posted.
Super Sue (my secondary breast cancer nurse) has been a star at chasing things for me with regards to this. Speaking of which, I am also now the proud owner of a 'blue badge' which Sue also arranged for me. I think I may have mentioned it before as I felt a bit uncomfortable about having Sue apply for me, but she said: 'Kate, I know you're not going to take advantage of the badge, but think about when you need to get to a hospital appointment and there is nowhere to park, the badge will let you have more freedom that way.' Good point Sue. So now I have it to use when required.
Also, just want to say hi to the lady who came up to me at my annual appointment at the breast unit to see my consultant (all was fine there as my mammogram was clear, whoop) and told me she read my blog and used to work with Susie's husband, Chris (small world). How lovely.
Oh, and because it's now officially autumn (sad face), here's a reminder of what's just been and gone...take this through the dark nights to come lovely people.
Hoping you are all well.
Here's to the weekend.
ps. Rocco has also learnt how to jump the fences at Worcester Racecourse....Go Rocco. What a legend....