Saturday, 5 August 2017

Let's talk about sex....

...because most people usually don't

So you might think the upside of the treatment I am on is that my periods have more of that monthly faff, however, I would have my periods back in a heartbeat if it meant I didn't have the other side effects of the hormone tablets.

I was always lucky really, I didn't suffer with bad periods at all, I was just either really grumpy/emotional or super happy and had sore boobs for a week.  Relatively speaking, that's not bad going.

What have I got now??  It's officially known as 'vaginal atrophy' (nice!!) and it is absolutely awful.

Symptoms include: dryness and a complete loss of labido.

I am 41 for goodness I want to be a dried up old sexless prune - no I don't. Am I? Yes, I bloody well am.

It's totally crap (and obvs for Timmy B as well).  Jeez....

Various 'moisturisers' will be tried - how's f****g awful quite frankly.


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