Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Don't panic Mr Manwaring

News just in....

Literally walked through the door from an afternoon at the hospital.

Quick run down....

  • They managed to get blood out of my PICC line (wahooooo)
  • ALT liver levels were about the same as those taken last Friday
  • ALT liver levels are NOT worringly high (even if 'normal' is 40, Dr P isn't too concerned about them being at 100)
  • Dr P is very disappointed I can't go on the trial and they had called the trial directors to see if they could 'let me in', but they won't
  • My 'new' chemo starts's the weekly Paclitaxel (which is the 'normal' drug that is run alongside the trial drug)
  • I am scheduled for 18 weekly sessions each Thursday (but it depends on how I am and my blood levels)
  • Paclitaxel is the 'gold standard' drug....fingers crossed ey?

Right, so here we go, 10am tomorrow morning....

What a week so far!!



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