Here we go.....
Just thought I'd give you a quick update on how it's all going. For those on Facebook, I do post updates on Breast Unit Events (which is a community page which anyone can look at), so feel free to follow on there....
Anyway, the actual chemo day wasn't too bad at all. The sun was shining.
Timmy and I got there for 10am but my drugs weren't ready so we didn't get called through until about 10.40am. Helen, my nurse for the day, said that they would get the pre-meds into me while waiting for the main drug. So they started me with piriton (which is to prevent an allergic reaction). No word of a lie, as soon as the piriton went in, I felt immediately VERY sleepy - it was immediate. Clearly I know what to take if I'm struggling to fall asleep in future then....anti-histamines!! I was then given a large dose of steroids and anti-ematics to help prevent sickness and nausea.
I felt a bit of cold going through my PICC line but nothing too much. Then, the main drug was administered and that took an hour to run through...I needed a wee halfway through so had to drag the drip and drugs with me to the loo.
Bonus though, there was a lady in the chemo suite offering hand and foot massages so I had a hand massage. It was lovely. I was also offered lunch so had a tuna sarnie and some orange juice....things have certainly changed since I first went through chemo 10 years ago!!
I had brought a thermos of tea, but it tasted vile so Timmy had gone to Costa in the hospital entrance and bought us both a hot drink and some cake. Ace.
I was the youngest in there (as before) until this young lad came in with either his sister/girlfriend/friend - he looked like he was in his early 20s and also looked absolutely petrified, bless him. My heart went out to him.
I was done by 1.30pm as my drug had run through and then I had some saline put through and then my PICC line was taped up again and we headed home.
We took the dog out in the afternoon as I want to try and keep doing some exercise where I can.
I even had an appetite and had quite a big tea.
BONUS - overnight = no sickness. Yay. I had been given steroids to take at home and additional anti-sickness tablets if I needed them and something to prevent acid reflux (which is another side effect).
So here's a run down of my side effects so far.... No sickness or nausea (YAY), some constipation from the steroids (but not too bad), felt woozy for first couple of days, dehydrated mouth, itching on the tops of my cheeks, metallic taste in my mouth (which now means that tea tastes vile - boo), legs feel like lead, and tiredness.
And that's where I am....I managed to do a few normal things over the weekend - singing masterclass, visiting the Malvern Show, watching Eurovision with friends. I've not had any booze for the past week (apart from a sip of Tim's wine)....I know my liver needs all the help it can with working the toxins out of my body from chemo so if I'm filling it with booze toxins it's not gonna help.
Head Shave
The next big side effect of course is going to be the loss of my hair. I have to admit, this time I'm struggling with the thought. I really embraced it 10 years ago, but this time there is an awful inevitability about the whole thing and I'm wondering if I'll reach a point where I'll ever be able to grow it again etc etc... So I have decided to try and own it as much as possible and do something positive with it. I've therefore set up a donation page for a charity head shave which I will get Tim to video. If you'd like to chuck a couple of quid for the two causes I'm raising money for, St Richard's Hospice and the Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven, then I'd be most grateful.
I have been simply blown away by the generosity of people so far. Amazing. Thank you.
Mental health awareness week
Finally, I just want to remind everyone that it is Mental Health Awareness Week, something very close to my own heart.
I have been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since I was at middle school and started counselling for this when I was 21 and have been on and off with counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) ever since, which has been a huge help.
Just know there is ALWAYS someone to talk to...don't let you inner demon/critic or outer critic (if you're being bullied) get their own to someone - it's the first step. It could be a friend, teacher, colleague, or charity (MIND, Samaritans, Macmillan etc). Don't compare yourself to others in a social media world....most of it's fake anyway. Learn to love yourself.
Stay safe. xx
I've watched you from across the choir hall for 2 years and always thought what a wonderful young woman you are. I don't know you, only the essence of you and I can tell you you radiate goodness and well being and love. Thank you for being you and sharing your story. I send you all the healing love I can muster. Got kick this cancer in the teeth and get better soon.