Thursday, 26 January 2017

Blimey that was quick.... MRI update!!

Scan at 2.30pm, phone call with results at 6.30pm

I have started to dread the 'Unknown' number flash up on my phone.  Although what will shock most people is that I am actually answering my phone (Suze - I've finally put it on vibrate rather than silent!!).

It was Dr P, he said the MRI results had been reported and he'd taken a look at it too....

Collapsing spine

Yes, sounds scary, and yes, is happening!!  Right, DON'T PANIC.

The GOOD NEWS is that the MRI scan has not shown any further cancer in additional vertebrae, just the T8 that we already knew about, so that's 'very reassuring' (his words, not mine).  However, the T8 bone has started to collapse!  And, he noted, the trouble with that is that it can start to put pressure on the spinal cord - FUCKING HELL!!!  BUT the GOOD NEWS is, that there is no sign of that....Phew....  But it might explain why I've been in so much bloody pain.


He asked if I was still going ahead with the radiotherapy tomorrow (??!) to which I replied 'well yes, unless anyone tells me otherwise'.  He said the Dr C is likely to want to still go ahead with it and Dr P will discuss it with him in the morning.   This is another reason why I'm glad I'm near to the hospital so that I don't set off and then get a phone call half the way through a long journey to say that it has been cancelled!

Jab in the spine!

Then he said, actually, there is a team in Birmingham who will be able to inject something into my spine to stabilise it (now THAT sounds painful).  He said they don't do it if a number of vertabrae together are affected, but as it is just the one then they are likely to be able to help.  However, he said he won't be able to get an answer on that by tomorrow morning or when the radiotherapy is scheduled so he'll keep me posted on that!

I did let him know that I was actually having pain in my side near to my ribs which is also tender to the touch.  He acknowledged that there may be some cancer in the ribs, however, his main concern at the moment is treating my spine due to its delicate nature.

Crikey....this is a LOT more involved than, what now seems like, my 'good old' breast cancer....

Until tomorrow, adieu (and yes, I'm just about to open the could be a two bottle night in the Butler household!!! Bottoms up)

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